Re: Fwd: BwO

Embryologists refer to an
>"embryological field" that is supplementary to the matter of the flesh and
>which helps organize the field, an emergent "whole" (or rather moment by
>moment synthesis) prior to its parts. Desire is an organizing process that
>differentiates but wishes to remain in process and not colonized by its
>differentiating mechanisms.


"We suggest that the nervous system projects a biohologram which interacts
with the cellular bioholograms...

To go further the biohologram projected by the brain creates standing and
moving electromagnetic wave patterns at different frequencies of the
spectrum in order to effect different biochemical transformations. There
may be specific electrostatic fields, or there may be elecdtrodynamic
fields varying at various frequencies all the way up the spectrum into
visible light and beyond, from low radio waves."

Richard Alan Miller and Burt Webb "Embryonic Holography" from
"Psychedelics", Thomas Lyttle, ed.

Also see Terence and Dennis McKenna's "Invisible Landscape"

The desire-body or BwO precedes/exceeds the dense matter of the body.
Surgical/pharmacological procedures are like a hack job compared to
accessing the organizing body through schizoanalytic/psychedelic
transformative practices.


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