Re: BwO

One constructs a body without organs by arranging desiring machines together
in such a way that they produce uncoded flows that form a plane of
consistency, in an act of simultaneous discovery and (co)creation. A desiring
machine is a relation of schiz-flux, of break-flow rhythmicity to other flows
which are pinched or noded together into various nexuses. By involving oneself
in various flows, one's will becomes desubjectified as it were and becomes an
autonomous function of the entire system of flows. The ambient drift itself
becomes the motive force behind one's interactions ; however, again, this is
not "spontaneist", but a partially constructed / partially opportunist
situation ... and a "situation" in the sense the Situationists used it ... a
sort of deliberate Upaya [skillful means] of opportune comings-together ...
When deliriums can be artistically collaged in such a way that they form a
consistency that sustains each other, and that is transversal (to me, the
whole idea of a BwO is that it is transversal or not confined to one molar
unit, but diagonally crisscrosses typical molar boundaries ; in this case, is
transsubjective, across bodies), then we have the construction of a BwO. But
what makes the BwO special is that it performs a special operation of
Including Disjunctions rather than forming exclusive disjunctions ; it "holds"
its ORs in place so that radical ambivalency or vacillation becomes part of
the system itself. Ok, this may sound abstract, but think : if you bring two
or more flows together, one has several different options of flow at that
point in the system, and Including the Disjunction simply means to keep those
options open rather than collapsing the wave equation.
Perhaps it might be called an "ideal type" because CONstructing a BwO also
involves a constant DEconstructing of the strata, in a continual destratifying
process without which strata tend to form and obstruct the BwO. Ideal as a
mathematical limit we approach and as we get closer, we experience more and
more intense effects, yet from which we are always being slightly rebounded by
the rip tide of stratification .... As much as we would all like life to be
just a sheer flow of ecstasy at all times, we don't experience it that way all
the time, not even those of us who are ecstasy connoseurs ... so in that
sense, the BwO is "ideal" ; however, i think the point is to construct
situations (social, psychological, natural) where that limit is approached as
closely as possible PRAGMATICALLY under the circumstances. It's always a
pragmatic operation.


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