Re: BwO

Our Newtonian way of looking at the world looks at objects and organs as if
they were entirely mass, entirely made of particles. But matter is particles
and their associated fields. So if we switch lenses and look at a set of field
effects and what happens when we bring a number of different fields into
resonance, and figure out what the specific effects of their interference
patterns are, we are no longer using an atomistic way of looking at the world
where our experience is centered in separated subjects or individuals, but
where the entire social field, and beyond that, the entire "machinic phylum"
or realm of self-organizing, autopoetic events is responsible for the special
effects of our experience, that our experience is socially produced, but by
retuning our frequencies we can set up out of phase interference patterns that
destratify the reified waveforms and allow for more "chaotic" interactions
where the wavefronts are in "continuous variation" relative to each other so
that individuation happens in such a way that it is not a capitalist,
privatized individual, but a differentiation across the entire ripplings of
fields. When we have shifted our assemblage point in such a way that we are no
longer perceiving from a stratified viewpoint, and have knocked our own
perceptual fields out of synch, it is possible to experience ourselves as part
of the body without organs.


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