Re: Re: BwO

I picked up some instructional psych tapes in Bioenergetics at the thrift
store yesterday, and a fantasy that is helpful for "schizoid" types was
described. One imagines a giant hand gripping one around the waist and
thrashing one about to and fro until one eventually is shaken apart, and flies
apart into a thousand pieces!

Then one resews oneself back together with breath, until one is fully
integrated. The "true" schizoid should be very frightened of this exercise,
yet find the resewing extremely euphoric, according to this tape.

I, on the other hand, found the being thrashed into a thousand pieces
euphoric, and when the gentleman suggested resewing myself back together, I
resisted this entirely! It was wonderful (in the fantasy) being all over the
room in a million different pieces, a body without organs, (dis)connected like
a dyscoidium slime mold, shattered, brilliantly, in communication through
fracturation .... why return to molarity?

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