ART: VR. Stelarc, Artist. Australia.

- - The original note follows - -

Newsgroups: sci.virtual-worlds
From: Mike Gigante <mg@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: ART REVIEW: Stelarc's performance at the Great Australian
Message-ID: <1992Jul24.053925.18437@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Originator: hlab@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sender: news@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (USENET News System)
Organization: RMIT Advanced Computer Graphics Centre, CITRI, Melbourne
Date: Thu, 23 Jul 1992 23:19:20 GMT
Approved: cyberoid@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Lines: 36

The performance artist Stelarc gave a series of performances on Wed
15th July at the World Congress Centre as part of the Great Australian
Science Show.

In his performance, Stelarc was wearing a pair of instrumented gloves,
one for tracking and grasping, the other for gesture based
command/control/interaction. He used them to control a virtual,
anthropomorphic robot arm with extended features (such as continuous
rotation and extensible segments).

Stelarc is well known for his performances that include a "third arm",
a mechanical attachment that is controlled by sensors attached to his
skin and activated by muscle twitches. He also uses body amplification
to produces sounds from inside his body.

His performances on Wednesday, added the control of an enhanced robot
arm to his performance, the arm could "go fractal" by replacing finger
joints with smaller instances of the hand.

The performance was entitled

GRAFT/REPLICATE: Event for Virtual Arm, Amplified Muscles and Third Hand

The software to support this event is an extension of a research
project on gesture-based control for teleoperation of anthropomorphic
manipulators. This work was described in a paper at the recent BCS
conference "Virtual Reality Systems" in London (May 1992). ("Using
Gestures to Control a Virtual Arm", Papper, M., Gigante, M.). The
programming for the performance was written by Mike Papper, Craig
McNaughton, James Boyle, Dean Hansen and used a highly modified
(Robert Webb) version of the MR toolkit from the University of

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