IDFORUM. Part 2/2.

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OCTOBER, 1993 (part two of two)


Product Development in Engineering Education

A. H. Marinissen
School of Industrial Design Engineering
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands


It must seem preposterous to use a symposium theme as a
title for one's paper for the same symposium. By no
means was this done on purpose. The earlier abstract
was headed with the official indication of the Halmstad
venue and being in bold print must have been interpre-
ted as the title. Under the circumstances however it
seems to be a fortunate occasion to use this title for
this paper since it adequately covers its tendency.
What else could be a better synopsis to indicate the
development of a product if this product is the curri-
culum for an engineering education.
The original title ? Who cares ?


This paper reports on the development of a new curricu-
lum for engineers in industrial design. It concentrates
mainly upon the design projects and their role in the
teaching program as well as upon strategies to realize

1. Introduction

Presently evaluation seems to be the key word in educa-
tion. Courses, lectures, projects, but also complete
programs are being ceaselessly evaluated. Apparently it
has become clear that looking closely and systematical-
ly at one's educational activities may produce informa-
tion that can bring about important improvements. Since
1988 the faculties of the universities in The Nether-
lands are subjected to a periodical assessment of their
educational programs. This assessment is carried out by
an organization of the united Dutch universities with a
wide freedom. A marginal control however is executed by
an independent body that informs the ministry.

The School (Faculty) of Industrial Design Engineering,
after operating some 25 years with considerable succes
(Buijs, 1992), came to the conclusion that in a field
as innovative as industrial design their product, the
engineer in industrial design, in the coming decades
would fall short of the requirements of society in
general and of product development in industry in
particular. New technologies, new materials, new me-
thods in problem approach, flexible thinking and crea-
tivity will call for a new kind of engineer. Combined
with a strong emphasis on environmental aspects this
explains the need for a new study program.

2. Assessment

In view of the obligation of an assessment the School
opted for being among the first in the Delft University
and the assessment took place in 1989 with a final
report in 1990. The outcome was further internally
evaluated and resulted in the following conclusions:

- There is a need for specialization. The field of
industrial design engineering is becoming too extensive
to be covered by one broad, but subsequently shallow,

- There is a need for a closer link for students with
the research projects of the school. Up till now most
final degree projects are executed in industry (Druk-
ker, 1992). However, next to practical design engi-
neers, there is also a need for more research oriented
engineers and thus a certain number of end study pro-
jects should take place in the laboratories of the
school on the schools own research program.

- There is a need for design projects that adapt stu-
dents better to the future needs. A program with the
emphasis on generating information rather than possess
knowledge since this may rapidly become obsolete.

3. Program Structure

In an extensive dialogue through interviews and mailed
questionnaires with alumni (de Wilde, 1992), personnel
officers and directors of industrial development cen-
tres, professors from other faculties, members and
students of the School, the conclusion was reached that
specialization could best be realized in two areas:
Product Design and Product Management.

The product designer will mainly be directly involved
in the process of developing and designing products,
while the design manager concentrates on steering the
design process and on helping to implement it in the
industrial organization. Both specializations will
offer a practical direction and a research direction

The general part of the program about 65% of the study
time, in which both directions share the same courses,
should constitute the basis for the engineer in indus-
trial design. The question now arises how to shape the
program of design projects to meet this basic education
as well as to meet the earlier mentioned requirements
for the near future. In the existing curriculum the
design projects are characterized by concentration upon
the design process in its entire length. In a series of
seven consecutive projects the process steps in solving
a design problem (Roozenburg and Eekels 1991) from the
problem definition up till the materialization phase
are repeated time and again.

4. Attributes of the designer

To arrive at a more detailed level of defenition of the
requirements in the new program the attributes of the
designer as described by Michael French (1990) are of
extreme help, be it that he uses them to stress the
possibilities for the development of research in engi-
neering design. According to French the qualities in
knowledge and skill that are imperative for a design
engineer are (in a highly condensed form):

engineering science: knowledge of engineering science
with emphasis on physical insight,

modelling: modelling the essence of a design problem by
mathematical or geometrical propositions,

design process: structuring and modelling of the design

linking: recognizing of key decisions in a complex pro-
blem and linking arguments in a way characteritic of
functional design,

invention: stimulation of invention and creativity,

aesthetic judgement: recognizing the favourable nature
of certain combinations of alternatives,

design repertoire: knowledge of all means of design,

received wisdom: knowledge of the development of de-

Apart from engineering science these attributes can,
generally speaking, be realized in learning from design
projects in which the whole process is repeatedly
executed. In the new program this is however too time
consuming and ways will be explored to concentrate
specific projects on certain attributes or certain
phases in the design process on their own. However at
the same time no effort should be spared to learn
students to solve design problems on a level that
compares with their acquired knowledge from theory
courses. In fact teaching through the design projects
is based on reaching two targets. One is mastering the
design process and the other is integration of theore-
tical knowledge.

5. Integration of knowledge

It can be assumed that the first attribute mentioned,
engineering science, represents much of the knowledge
that should be integrated in solving design problems
where and when necessary. It is a known fact that stu-
dents after learning strict rules, like in mathematics,
have difficulty in applying these rules in problem
defined situations. This phenomenon touches the core of
design problems, but is of a far more complex nature.
Here the problem is usually ill defined and the outcome
is not only uncertain but may also vary from one person
to another. Beforehand it is hard to tell what knowled-
ge can fruitfully be integrated into the design pro-
cess. A good part of the aquired knowledge on enginee-
ring science is directly applicable in design projects.
The sooner this implementation takes place the sooner
the student will understand the meaning and the impor-
tance of the theory. A major question in the new pro-
gram is: how can this gap between knowledge and appli-
cation best and quickest be bridged ?

Up till now much of this integration was left to the
student. Very often the teaching staff is unaware of
the knowledge level of the student. In an academic
setting this should not be surprising. Students choose
more or less their own study path and their starting
level at design projects may vary considerably. However
this leads inevitably to assuming the lowest possible
level for all parttaking students and consequently to
design projects at too low a level. In turn this re-
sults in accepting teaching staff with again too little
knowledge on the level of the theory courses in the
program. Setting rules on acquired knowledge for taking
part in a design project hampers students in their
through-put time if the projects are restricted to
fixed moments in the year.

Improvement in integration of theoretical knowledge
into design projects could be reached through four

First strategy
Upgrading the knowledge of the teaching staff in the
design projects and at the same time instructing tea-
chers in theory courses to clarify to students the
importance and possibilities of their theory for appli-
cation in design projects.

Second strategy
Structuring design projects in a way that specific
theory must be implemented to arrive at acceptable
(known beforehand to the teaching staff !) solutions.

Third strategy
Composing the program in a way that certain theory
courses are available to students in a condensed way.
Two or three theory courses together including tests
are presented in the span of a limited number of weeks.
In the Dutch system this is called block education. All
attention is focussed upon these blocklike courses.
After finishing these courses one or two weeks are
solely spent on executing a design project in which the
theory of the preceding courses must be implemented.

Fourth strategy
Another way of implementing theory into practice has
been developed by the University of Limburg at Maas-
tricht in the School of Medicine. This system is based
on problem oriented education. In a restricted period a
comprehensible and representative problem is posed to a
group of students. All learning is concentrated around
this problem and the relevant theory for solving the
problem is available in self study modules. The results
with this system have been in general outstanding and
the character of design problems seem to be highly
appropriate for this approach.

6. Conclusion

On confrontation the fourth strategy appeared to be too
much for the School. Both in respect to available man
power for program renewal as to the changes of mentali-
ty that are imperative to realize this system. It is
reported that a change like this has never been reali-
zed in an existing educational system unless there was
a serious threat from outside.
The first strategy seems to be rather close to the
existing system and leaves too much to the individual
staff member. However if a good formula can de develo-
ped a combination with other strategies could, beyond
much doubt, be very benificial.
The second strategy would have too much negative influ-
ence on the character of design problems. A design
problem is not a pre-arranged calculation but must have
an open structure in which the students can follow
their own instincts and develop their own methods.
Although it calls for extensive re-arranging of the
program the third strategy seems rather promising. In
particular the concentrated design project periods meet
with much enthousiasm from the teaching staff.
There exists a strong tendency to believe that the
defined targets will be within reach by further develo-
ping this program.

7. References

Buijs, J., Teaching product design at the Delft Faculty
of Industrial Design Engineering. Halmstad, 1992

Wilde, J. de, The profession of the Industrial Design
Engineer: some facts and figures. Halmstad, 1992

Drukker, J. W., Teaching the Unknown: The Final Degree
Project at the Faculty of Industrial Design Engineering
of the Delft University of Technology. Halmstad, 1992

Roozenburg, N. F. M. en Eekels, J., Ontwerpen: struk-
tuur en methode. Lemma, Utrecht, 1991

French, M., Research in engineering design: Some propo-
sals for improving research, teaching and practice.
Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, 7
145-151. Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1990

Professor Marinissen may be contacted c/o

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* IDFORUM is edited by: *
* Maurice Barnwell * GL250267@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx *
* Winters College * *
* York University * Voice: 416 921 9148 *
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