Re: modphilarch

Ashish is absolutely coreect when he says:
there has to be a language for Derrida to deconstruct.
In architecture, the breaking down of meaning and reconstituting it can
only happen when there already is a meaning.
hat is the point.

This is one of my basis of argument with the anti-modern and anti-structural
pomo relativists. They see decon as somehow liberating them into cacaphony
and meaninglessness. Nothing could be further from the truth. decon follows
a well laid structural analysis and is as "Modern" as Joyce, Commings and
Wolf(Virginia, that is) (Not, Thomas).

A little quote from David Burliuk circa 1920 makes the point well:

Disharnony is the opposite of harmony;
dissymmetry is the opposite of symmetry;
decinstruction is the opposite of construction;

a canon can be constructive;
a canon can be deconstructive;

construction can be shifted and displaced.


- ray laizzana
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