Re: thanks

>thanks for the response. i'm just starting to get involved in netnews.
>it didn't seem to me that the library was all that big, though... my
>x-roommate was an architecture student there, and sometimes i would go
>to the library with her to study. i like it, though... nice and small.
>just as long as i can get a better education there for $17,000/semester
>(er, pardon me... per year) than staying here in colorado and only paying
>around $8000/year. my poor parents... i really like the size of tulane.
>i even have quite a few upperclassman architecture friends there.
| I hope you will
be able to get an "education" in architecture, and really use the total
university. Professional education is sometimes quite limiting to
professionals. In my own case, if I had a choice between Colorado and
New Orleans, I would probably choose Colorado for its healthy environment.
I am thinking of Boulder rather than Denver. But I guess the school at
Boulder has been moved to Denver? I hope you will have time to make friends
outside of architecture friends in your particular year. It is sometimes
very difficult to do it. Thereis just too much pressure to cause intrversion
within your "learning" group in architectural studies; and one has to question
the value of placing architectural education in the academy. Is it for
eliteism? If so, then spend more money!

>again, thanks.

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