>Apparently, the public at large, and in this case particularly, computer
>systems people, are not aware that the terms "architect", and
>"architecture" are legally reserved terms, and cannot be used in any way
>other than by Registered Licenced Architects (of buildings, obviously)
>who are licenced in each state. Any other use is strictly illegal.

Architects throughout the English-speaking world seem ever-so-sensitive to
this. The words 'architect' and 'engineer' have a very long history in our
language as applying to ANY sort of designing or designer as in " God is
the architect of our salvation and Satan the engineer of our destruction".
And, of course, there are naval architects and landscape architects, both
old titles in the UK and Commonwealth (can't speak for the USA, naturally).

The use of 'computer architecture' and 'software architect' are quite
natural extensions of the ORIGINAL use of the words to one particular
field. If anything, the English-speaking peoples of the world should mount
a class action against one small occupation trying to monopolise the term
to themselves. The closest analogy might be if all those people with an MBA
tried to take out copyright on the term 'executive'.
Garry Stevens
Dept of Architectural and Design Science
University of Sydney
NSW 2006
Partial thread listing: