Re: Insider Problems

Bill Fleischman wrote:

>Can you verify that the problems you are having originate with
>Insider? Do the filter/object mismatches occur in a new sample db
>created completely from scratch? Those dangling variable names
>lead me to suspect structure damage (despite 4D Tools assurances to
>the contrary).

Yep, checked it out with a db extracted from an ftp site. Filter/object
mismatches still occurred. After some examination I determined that ALL the
problems I encountered were due to these mismatches, and there were NO
dangling variables. I was misled in this by the fact that the "All" filter
ignores scripts (and cannot be changed in the Edit Filters dialog). When I
thought I had renamed all objects, the scripts in fact remained unchanged
but did not appear on the "All" filter. Ah me. But now everything is
ticketty-boo except for the damn filters!

>Also, do *not* attempt to leave variables unnamed.

I am not sure what you mean by this? Do mean that I should, eg name ALL my
buttons? If so, seems like a lot of unneeded names. (See separate post for
other queries)
Garry Stevens
Dept of Architectural and Design Science
University of Sydney
NSW 2006
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