Re: Converting Infrastructure

In response to my posting about the abandoned right-of-way that runs
through a condominium in Portland, Oregon, hrl@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote that
this was perhaps an architectural problem.

In fact, when the condominium was built and the units sold, the builder
and buyers were all assured that the track would never be operational.
It does not run directly "through" the property, but adjacent. The
property faces the Willamette River, and this track lies in back. A
number of lower priced condos face the track, not the river. I don't
think that's the problem. It is rather the *noise* of the trolley and
the workers who maintain the track that bothers these residents.

By the way, I co-moderate H-Urban out of University of Illinois, but I
live in Portland and have my Ph.D. from PSU. Am I correct in inferring
that your address, and the address of the design-l list, are based at PSU?

If so, could you please provide me with more info?


Martha Bianco
Lewis & Clark
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