Re: VR and arch/design

On Sat, 7 May 1994 HRL@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> I am involved with CAD-CAM sculpture in connection with ARS-Mathematica,
> Paris, France. I believe it is useful as *part* of the process of design
> for sculpture. It is *very* important to actually have as sense of the
> materials through sight and touch. The latter is impossible with the CAD-
> CAM techniques. am concerned that it marks the further separation of man
> (and woman) from their material through the machine interface. This is a
> potentialbarrier to *really* knowing.
> Howard

Maybe a hastier alienation to the material in natura will awake people and
make them understand by themselves that there is something real existing
out there. If the development goes slowly, a sneaky adjustment to the new
stuff might represent more of a danger for these issues than a
"tactile shock"! I think this is a point.


Arnbjoern O. Laerdal email: al@xxxxxx
architect + computing consultant arnbjorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxx

Arkitekthoegskolen i Oslo / The Oslo School of Architecture

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