This is a follow up of my first message which follows:

Help in locating any new/recent publications on design and construction
issues for high-rise buildings. Especially with Singapore in mind. Would
be greatly appreciated for a current phase submission.

From a closer look at the project in hand. My aim in sending this query
was to get a cultural understanding of singapore.
Such factors as:
- use of public and private space
- provision for outdoor landscaped areas (are these
actually used due to high temperatures and rain?)
- detailing of sun control for east and west facades
- night time activities/life
- cost of basement parking using diaphragm walls
(water table being 1.5m below ground level)

And more general issues:
- retail planning for podiums and how they work in
relation to the office tower above.
- mixed use developments, with residential next to
a high-rise; the effects of overshadowing physically

With touch of ESA (Ecologically sustainable Architecture). Which
seems to be the flavour of the month (year ??). Personally I
think that the concept of high-rise (an artificial environment)
amd ESA are mutually exclusive.

Thanks in advance.
Anna Siefert
Partial thread listing: