Energy Info

- - The original note follows - -

From: barryg16@xxxxxxx (BarryG16)
Subject: Energy Info
Date: 16 May 1994 10:37:07 -0400

ENERGY SMART CORPORATION (ESC) is interested in educating
consumers about energy efficient technology. This will be
accomplished by showcasing energy efficient technology with
consumer lifestyle products and information age technology in
Energy Smart Demonstration Homes and by providing free information
to consumers via Internet, Online services, and BBS.

ESC publishes a monthly newsletter that it distributes free to
anyone who request a copy. Send your Email address to
barryg16@xxxxxxx and he will send you a copy.

ESC would like to know consumers' interests in products and
technologies used in state-of-the-art homes which harmonize energy
efficiency, design, information age products and lifestyle
considerations. Please rate your personal interest in the
following 6 categories;

1. Energy Efficiency: None: Low: Moderate: High:

2. Comfort and
Convenience: None: Low: Moderate: High:

3. Design and Decor: None: Low: Moderate: High:

4. High Technology
Electronics: None: Low: Moderate: High:
(Computers, Fax, Telephone, Cable/Satellite TV, etc.)

5. Safety and
Security: None: Low: Moderate: High:

6. Environmental
Friendliness: None: Low: Moderate: High:

You may return this form to ESC by any of the following methods:

1 - Email to barryg16@xxxxxxx (ESC's Information Manager)
2 - FAX to ESC at 904-477-3563
3 - Snail mail to Energy Smart Corporation,
535 E. Ten Mile Road,
Pensacola, FL. 32514
(904) 477-1156
Partial thread listing: