To: All Subscribers; I apologize if you received this Call For Proposals from
EARTHWATCH earlier and were not able to read the enclosures. Please contact me
if you have any further questions.

I would like to post this call for proposals from EARTHWATCH and The Center for
Field Research. Earthwatch has been successfully supporting anthropological
research throughout the world since 1972 via "participant funding." As a
non-profit organization, our goals are two-fold relating to research and
education: 1) to support high quality field research in the life, physical, and
social sciences and in the humanities, and 2) to forge bonds of understanding
and support between the research community and the public, which is the
ultimate constituency and beneficiary of all scholarly endeavors. Additional
information is available as indicated below.
In addition to the call for proposals, this posting also includes a facsimile
of the CFR preliminary proposal form. Submission of this form is the first
step in the application process. This office responds to preliminary proposals
within one week of receipt. If Earthwatch support seems appropriate to the
proposed research, CFR will invite a full proposal for peer review (format
instructions and subject headings available on request). CRITICAL DETAIL: due
to the complexities of volunteer recruitment, the full proposal must be
submitted about one year prior to the projected start of fieldwork. All the
applicants planning to begin fieldwork with Earthwatch support during the
spring or summer of 1995 or later are advised to contact CFR as soon as






The Center for Field Research (CFR) has made funding for projects in vernacular
architecture and traditional environments a priority for 1995 and 1996.

CFR is the program development arm of Earthwatch, a private, nonprofit
organization established in 1971 to promote significant scholarship and to
improve communication between scholars and the public through participant
funding. All field grant awards are derived from funds contributed by
volunteer participants on the research team who are members of Earthwatch.
These volunteers are qualified non-specialists, recruited and screened
according to your needs. To date, Earthwatch has supported 1,845 research
expeditions in 111 countries with more than 40,000 volunteers and $25 million.
Projects funded to date have used volunteers to:

o document the rich and varied traditional housing styles in twelve Chinese
o record the layout of Berber earth houses in Tunisia,
o study the traditional layout and decoration features of Puerto Rican houses,
o measure and draw the structure and configuration of medieval christian
churches in Slovenia,
o document the melding of traditional Mexican architectural styles with the
Spanish in Mexico,
o record the monumental platform spaces of Easter Island,
o photograph and produce detailed drawings the facade of San Sofia in Kiev,
o reproduce the ornamentation of Norman and Romanesque stone carvings on
French cathedral
facades, and,
o document the techniques of building traditional woven houses in northern

Grants average $25,000. A typical project would employ 4 to 8 volunteers each
on 4 to 6 sequential teams. Teams normally spend 10 to 15 days in the field.
Teams of varying sizes and lengths are encouraged where appropriate.
Preliminary proposals should be submitted one year in advance of anticipated
field dates. Full proposals are invited upon review of preliminary materials.
Proposals are accepted and reviewed year round.

For more information and to discuss your research goals and their
appropriateness for Earthwatch funding please contact CFR Program Officer
Catherine Schlager at 680 Mt Auburn Street, Watertown, MA, 02172.
Telephone:(617)926-8200 FAX (617)926-8532 Iternet: cschlager@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

The Center for Field Research Preliminary Proposal:
The Center for Field Research
An Affiliate of Earthwatch
680 Mount Auburn Street o Box 403 o Watertown, Massachusetts 02272 o USA
Phone: 617 926 8200 o FAX: 617 926 8532 o Telex: 510 600 6452 o TCN ID:
TCN1294#011#Internet: cfr@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Preliminary Proposal
Please use this form or a convenient word processing application. Attach
additional sheets as necessary.

Principal Investigator(s):

Position(s)/Institutional Affiliation(s):


Office phone: Fax:

Home phone: E-Mail:

Project Title:


Field Dates: Research Site:

Research Objectives:
Describe goals and include background and progress to date, both by others and
by yourself.

Methods and Techniques:
Briefly describe your research design.

#012#Significance of Research:
Please indicate the professional and popular significance of the research, its
educational applications, and policy implications.

Need for Volunteer Field Assistants:
All investigations must include tasks for non-specialist field assistants.
What tasks and responsibilities will be required of the volunteers in the
field? A typical project consists of several 1-3 week teams. Please estimate
the minimum and maximum number of volunteers per team, length and dates of

Staff Composition:
Include name, age, highest degree or other credential, institutional
affiliation, research specialties, and responsibilities in the field for PI(s)
and professional staff.

Budget Summary:
Please indicate anticipated field expenses (food, accomodations,
transportation, equipment) in support of volunteer field assistants, host
country students, and staff. Earthwatch does not provide PI salaries or
institutional overhead.

Signature: _________________________________________________ Date:

Name (please print): __________________________________________

How did you first learn about CFR/Earthwatch?:

January 1993
Partial thread listing: