Re: shotgun shacks

travisX wrote:
> i'm looking for books, papers and personal experience in, on or about
> shotgun house design. anyone know how the name evolved?
I THINK the name refers to the way all the interior doors line if
one could shoot a bullet straight through the buliding without hitting a wall.

On my desk here I have a book -- "Common Places: Readings in American
Vernacular Architecture," Dell Upton & John Michael Vlach, eds. Athens,
GA: Univ. of GA Press, 1986. It contains an article by John Michael Vlach
called "The Shotgun House: An African Architectural Legacy." This article
was originally published in "Pioneer America" (January-July 1976). It
footnotes a few other sources.

Carol Hagan
Doctoral Candidate
History of Art
University of Pennsylvania
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