Second Solar Village Questionaire

Tucson Solar Village

Thank you for your help in planning Phase 3 of the Tucson Solar Village
We were pleased with the quality and thoughtfulness of the responses to the
first cycle. In this second cycle Delphi process we will review responses
the first cycle, try to identify the most important issues and examine them

This second questionnaire is intended to be somewhat more specific than the
first. We encourage you to add ideas and suggestions to those listed. The
final questionnaire will incorporate responses from this and the first one and
will become more detailed and specific. It is important that you mail or fax
your responses in time to be received by Monday, August 29, 1994 to:

Robert Cook, Solar Village Committee Chair
Tucson-Pima County Metropolitan Energy Commission

FAX (602) 748-4754
Phone (602) 748-4745

Thank you again for your participation.

In this second cycle of the Delphi process, we complete responses to the first
cycle for each of the main issues. Now, would you please review these lists
help make them as complete as possible by adding important items that have not
been mentioned so far. Then, we ask that you select the 3-5 most important
items and explain briefly why they are important. The explanations are
important to the process, so please give them careful consideration. Finally,
we ask for your creative help with two questions that are of particular
at this time. Thank you again for your help.

1. Following is a list of important features in Civano cited by respondents.
Please add any others you think should be listed, then select 3-5 features by
letter reference that you feel are most important, and explain why.

a. Passive solar design
b. Photovoltaic generation system
c. Pedestrian path system
d. Resource conservation area
e. Bicycle path system
f. Connection to public transportation
g. Neighborhoods to support design flexibility
h. Diverse socio-economic inclusion
i. Sense of neighborhood & place
j. Community & on-site water harvesting
k. Neighborhood social & recreation centers
l. Clustered building layout with open space
m. Access to regional trails system
n. Proximity to on-site jobs
o. Walkable village center
p. Community education program
q. Recycling options
r. Community gardens, orchards
s. Reclaimed effluent system
t. Community tram system
u. Other:
v. Other:

Letter Why important

2. Following is a list of activities cited by respondents as important to
the successful development of Civano. Please add any others you think should
listed, then select 3-5 activities which you think are most important, and
explain why.

a. Offer competitive home value
b. Involve associations, groups & individuals
c. Provide incentives for developers
d. Integrate environmental education
e. Build demonstration program now
f. Build office work stations in each home
g. Use best minds of designers & engineers
h. Attract a sympathetic developer
i. Establish a Community Resource Center
j Form management/overseeing body now
k. Prepare focused market analysis/strategy
l. Conduct public info/relations program
m. Integrate with community revitalization
n. Define photovoltaic program with TEP
o. Redefine land sale to include all values
p. Committed people on design review
q. Prepare strong agency commitments
r. Structural efficiencies built into all phases
s. Include range of uses in all phases
t. Seek additional resources to assure goals
u. Build village center & plaza early
v. Screen buyers for "Civano" values
w. Other:
x. Other:

Letter Why important

3. Following is a list of Civano aspects cited by respondents as important to
implement in the community at large. Please add any others you think should
listed, then select 3-5 activities/projects which you think are most
and explain why.

a. Develop Civano concepts as infill project
b. Solar: water heat, passive design, solar thermal, pv systems
c. Preserve wash habitat corridors
d. Target areas for ped-friendly design
e. Education re sustain. design principles
f. Ped access to neighborhood nodes
g. Focus on getting Civano built as demo
h. Awards program for exceeding targets
i. Apply Civano performance targets to all
j. More affordable housing options
k. More trees & shade
l. Provide bicycle-friendly design features
m. Pedestrian emphasis throughout region
n. Energy conserv'n equipment, techniques
o. Water conserv'n equipment, techniques
p. Recycling to the max
q. Document existing local examples
r. Build infill demonstration housing
s. Alternative transportation corridors
t. Other:
u. Other

Letter Why important

4. Following is a list of ways cited by respondents to bring the best people
with the right resources together to get the job done. Please add any others
you think should be listed, then select 3-5 ways which you feel are most
important, and explain why.

a. Let a committed developer manage it
b. Secure interest of Fortune 500 company
c. Form public-private-nonprofit partnership
d. Continue getting the word out
e. Network with inclusive stakeholder groups
f. Develop a management association
g. Advertise nationally for "right" developer
h. Aggressive leadership & management
i. Leverage funding: seek additional grants
j. Task forces to deal with important aspects
k. Continue doing what MEC is now doing.
l. Support full time staff to ensure continuity
m. Consider each retailer, employer, resident as stockholder
n. Let the successful land purchaser manage it
o. Convince larger public of economic viability
p. Other:
q. Other:

Letter Why important

5. Many of the respondents to the first questionnaire suggested that
techniques and economic feasibility analyses of specific features in Civano
very important in assuring its successful development. If you were the
enlightened sales manager for the Civano developer, what would be the elements
of your marketing strategy?

6. Many respondents to the first questionnaire felt that leadership and
developing partnerships and cooperation between builders, developers, public
agencies, civic organizations and utility/service providers is critical to
developing the Solar Village Program. What would be the best way(s) to form
such public/private partnership(s) or cooperation?

7. Many respondents to the first questionnaire felt that there should be a
of developer incentives to encourage conformance with the Civano goals and
objectives. What kinds of incentives do you think would be appropriate to
assure inclusion of the following features.


Clustered housing with open space around
Village commercial center to begin with
Village & neighborhood social centers
Separate bicycle and pedestrian paths
Natural open space & drainage preservation
Jobs creation within Civano
Create personal office setup in home
Photovoltaic generating system
Community education program
Community gardens, orchards
Co-housing options
"Sweat equity" housing options
Low-income housing options
Connection to public transit alternatives
Recycling of materials

8. Please feel free to add any other comments/ideas/suggestions which you
think would further the implementation of Civano and encourage the development
of related projects throughout the community, or comments on the
thus far.

Robert Cook, Solar Village Committee Chair
Tucson-Pima County Metropolitan Energy Commission

FAX (602) 748-4754
Phone (602) 748-4745

Again, thank you for your participation.
Partial thread listing: