Towards a New Information Systems Architecture

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From: John Bailo <bailo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Towards a New Information Systems Architecture
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 94 01:28:58 -0500

Le Corbu writes:

"Our own epoch, that is to say the last fifty years only, confronts
the ten ages that have gone before. During these earlier ages, man
ordered his life in conformity with what people call a "natural"
system; he took his taks upon his own shoulder and brought them
to a satisfactory conclusion." --from "Towards A New Architecture"

As an Information Systems Architect, Le Corbu speaks to me and our
present age of systems design. The system becomes the work and
soon becomes the life. Is there a physical architect who wishes
to co-laborate with me to engender a new physical-informational
architecture for work and home environments?
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