Re: O.M. Ungers etc.

Responding to msg by dsucher@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (David Sucher)

Is it not probable that Herr Unger just wants the photos for
his book to match his design and after that to hell with it?
The beasts populi defeat the best of meticulous designers who
works are not mummified or resuscitated ad nauseum by mauseums
ad absurdum.

"Record" photos certify this vision of architectural unreality,
itself derived from love of immutable drawings and documents
stored in hermetic archives more archi- than -tecture.

Creation and dissemination of fancy documents are the
accoutrements of Today's Architect, with a bit of pirouetting
on site and preening in class for applause -- unruly buildings
and wayward construction are ken of others.

Isn't your provocateurism complicit in this masquerade, David?

Wanta bring forward that captive architect practising in your

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