THE FIFTH COLUMN - Call for Articles

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From: 5column@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (THE FIFTH COLUMN)
Subject: THE FIFTH COLUMN - Call for Articles
Date: Sun, 16 Oct 1994 00:40:24 GMT

THE FIFTH COLUMN, The Canadian Student Journal of Architecture, is calling
on the architectural community to contribute articles or projects for our
upcoming issue.

The Secret life of Buildings
volume nine, number one:
The Construction of Memory

We experience the most unforgettable movements when certain aspects of the
world, whose existence we completely ignore, suddenly confront us with the
revelation of mysteries lying all the time within our reach and which we
cannot see because we are too short sighted, and cannot feel because our
senses are inadequately developed. Their dead voices speak to us from
nearby, but they sound like voices from another planet.
- Giorgio De Chirico, 1928

Behind a curtain, there is a play unfolding in which buildings act on the
stage of feeling and memory. To experience architecture profoundly we
enter this secret life of buildings. To be human we need more than
containers and supports for our bodies. Buildings are vessels filling
with time, holding it and making it visible to man. The making of
architecture is part of the search to figure and communicate meaning in
life, to mirror an ideal of (im)permanence and (im)mortality.

Deadline for submissions is November 1, 1994

We publish in both English and French. Please send aritlces on mac disk,
if possible. PMTs, and digital images would also be appreciated. All
material will be returned upon request.

MacDonald Harrington Building, McGill University
815 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Quebec H3A 2K6

THE FIFTH COLUMN is an independent journal published
by Canadian students of architecture.
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