Re: Cynical view of Decon!

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Responding to msg by lauzzana@xxxxxxxxxx (Raymond Lauzzana) on

>Who are Richard Rorty, Donald Davidson, Paul Feyerbend,
>Cornell West, Mary Hesse, and what have they written ?
>Do you have any titles?

Please see below.

>Are they sort of post-communists like Chomskey and

While I recognize the names, maybe, I'm not familiar with "sort
of post-communists", would you explain?

Selected works by Richard Rorty, University Professor of
Humanities, University of Virginia (first three duplicate those
in my post):

Objectivity, Relativism and Truth (1991)
Essays on Heidegger and Others (1991)
Contingency, Irony and Solidarity (1989)
The Consequences of Pragmatism (1982)
Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature (1979)
The Linguistic Turn, Richard Rorty, ed. (1967)

Selected works about Rorty:

Richard Rorty, Prophet and Poet of the New Pragmatism,
David Hall (1994)
Reading Rorty, Alan Malachowski, ed. (1990)

Selected works by Donald Davidson, Professor of Philosophy,
University of California at Berkeley (much quoted by Rorty):

Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation (1984)
Essays on Actions and Event (1980)
Decision Making: An Experimental Approach, with Patrick
Suppes and Sidney Siegel (1955)
Words and Objections, editor with Jaacko Hintikka (1969)
The Semantics of Natural Language, with Gilbert Harman
The Logic of Grammar, with Gilbert Harman (1975)

Selected works about Davidson:

Truth and Interpretation, Perspectives on the Philosophy
of Donald Davidson, E. LePore, ed. (1986)
Literary Theories after Davidson, Reed Way Dasenbrock, ed.

Selected works by Paul Feyerbend, recently died, formerly
Professor of Philosophy, UniversIty of California at Berkeley,
and Professor of the Philosophy of Science, Federal Institute
of Technology, Zurich:

Three Dialogues on Knowledge (1991)
Against Method (1988)
Farewell to Reason (1987)
Problems of Empiricism (1981)
Realism, Rationalism and Scientific Method (1981)
Science in a Free Society (1978)

Selected works by Cornell West, formerly Professor of Religion,
Princeton University, recently moved to Harvard University:

Race Matters (1993)
The Ethical Dimensions of Marxist Thought (1991)
The American Evasion of Philosophy: A Geneology of
Pragmatism (1989)
Prophetic Framents, Illuminations of the Crisis in
American Religion & Culture (1988)
Post-Analytic Philosophy, ed. with John Rajchman (1985)

Selected works by Mary Hesse, British philosopher of science,
affiliation unknown:

Revolutions and Reconstructions in the Philosophy of
Science (1980)

End Selected Bibliography

But don't forget Luce Irigary, Eve Sedgwick, Diane Fuss and the
others in my post; they are equally important.

And, not insignificantly, many of these writers were brought to
my attention my a brilliant architect in NYC who is pursuing a
truly extraordinary line of non-university research and
creative study. Soon to be published, I hope, in some yet
undecided forum, maybe on-line.

Partial thread listing: