Thursday 6 JulyQSaturday 8 July 1995


What is the fate of architectural theory? Is theory as accessory to architecture
nowadays an aspect of decoration, or is it an aspect of the TworkU of the
architect? Theory can be useful or ornamental. An accessory can be thought of
as a workmanUs tool-kit or maybe as a courtesanUs reticule. There is no sense
in privileging one or other of these positions with regard to
accessory/architecture. The theme, accessory/architecture is intended as a
trope of theory. It deliberately sets out to provoke polysemic interpretations
and responses. And in turn the theme invites original and insightful
contributions on the theory of architectural tropes. Contributors to the
Conference are invited to debate the practical and pleasurable aspects of
theoryUs supplement.

Lavish, painted, made-up, accessory/architecture supplements the desire for
architecture (the temptations of the masquerade). Undisclosed, an adjunct
object, it inhabits the drawers and cupboards of the domestic.
Accessory/architecture can be an adornment, a kitting-out for battle or for a

TIn my legacy from Eve I there is an indescribably delicious and cherished
beauty, a beauty no god or writer ever knew.U
QJ. Bloomer.

Accessory/architecture can be scandalous or pleasurable, deviant or complicit,
embodying or disembodying. It can be a crime, invading and confusing interiors
and exteriors indiscriminatelyQg(u)ilt by association.

TThe subject of LoosUs houses is a stranger, an intruder in his own space.U
QB. Colomina.

In terms of contemporary culture, cruising the information highway,
accessory/architecture can be an optional extra on the operational vehicle, the
fluffy dice, or the sophisticated sat-nav guidance system.

TBut unlike those buildings, the book is not read from the window of a moving
QM. Wigley.

The supplementary ground, essential to architecture but difficult to access, can
be likened to a reticulated network of pipes and wires or a cellular field of
hidden forces which service the contemporary city. Accessory/architecture can
be a metaphor for a suppressed urbanism, a submerged reticule, dispersed and
connected, a Tcity down underU which stretches to the horizon in every
direction, even to New Zealand here at the end of the earth.


Contributors are invited to forward their ideas about the supplementarity of
architectural theory. Contributions may be expressed through studio designs,
reports on design programmes, criticisms of contemporary architecture, or
theoretical papers. Summary and outline proposals should be sent to:

Attention Dr. Michael Linzey
Department of Architecture
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
Auckland, New Zealand

Proposals should be received by February 17 1995 for review and pre-selection.
Authors will be invited to prepare their work for reproduction and for personal
presentation in a symposium format.
Partial thread listing: