feng shui: more history

Minnepolis, Minnesota Star Tribune, Saturday December 31, 1994
1E. Hot Topics: compiled by Patty Pryor-Nolan

Time to Call a Shaman ?

Denver International Airport
seems to be suffering from a
case of very bad karma. A year
after its scheduled opening, the
doors are still shut -- providing
plenty of fodder for comics and
headaches for Denver officials.

The Denver Post recruited three
experts in feng shui, the Chinese
practice of placing man-made
structures in harmony with natural
surroundings. The airport, the ex-
perts concluded, is a feng shui
disaster, rife with images of death
and grief.

Colorado's American Indians
couldn't agree more. They con-
tend that the airport is built on
sacred Indian ground and have
been negotiating with a city coun-
cilwoman to stage a ceremony
that will lay ancestral spirits to

Will the airport finally open, as
promised, in Febuary? We'll
check our tarot cards and get
back to you.

1- feng shui studys e-magnetic patterning of the earth +/-
2- heard -all- great EuroCathedrals were site-planned ala feng shui
and natural patterns of +/- distinguish the buildings floor plan.
Nineteen Hundred and Ninety Four Years After Death, tomorrow- 1995 years AD
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