Call for Papers


For the 1998 edition, published in the spring, COLLOQUI (Cornell
University's journal of planning and urban issues) is seeking:

- Case studies and analytical or policy-oriented papers on any topic of
interest to those within the planning field
- Articles for a special section with the theme EQUITY, ECONOMICS AND THE
ENVIRONMENT. [How can planners bring considerations of equity into
policy discussions dominated by the language of economics? Can a
sustainable environment coexist with economic growth? Can there be
environmental justice for all?]

ABSTRACTS will be accepted until October 24, 1997 via mail or e-mail.
Full papers will be requested shortly thereafter and must be received by
November 14, 1997.

Submission criteria:

Hard copies should be double-spaced, 1-1/4 inch margins, maximum 20 pages
(excluding references, tables and figures).
Please include a computer disk version as well (Word 6.0 or earlier, or
inquire about other software).
Camera-ready or digitized graphics appropriate for 8-1/2 x 11 inch
format, black and white, are welcome.
COLLOQUI reserves the right to edit articles in cooperation with the author.
Follow THE CHICAGO MANUAL OF STYLE, 13th edition.
Use in-text references (e.g. Jones 1955).


106 W. Sibley Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853
e-mail colloqui-mailbox@xxxxxxxxxxx

For more information, write, e-mail or call (607) 255-1815.
Partial thread listing: