Boxcar Homes

The New York Times automobile section today reports on
plans of several automobile manufacturers to produce
"box" cars for young people who want to live in their
vehicles. One is described as "like a dorm on wheels,"
another named "Secret Hideout." Most of them are being
designed in Japan where youngsters want to use autos
to escape overbearing homes and schools and offices
and factories ruled by older adults attempting to enforce
the same social pathology they are subject to.

The vehicles are shown to be indeed boxy in shape, with
generous interior spaces for doing what youngsters do
in their rooms and dorms and too constricted jalopies,
but, which, we may recall, vans have been long used
for -- escaping the architecture of property lines and
odious responsibility as defined by higher authority --
authority which, to be sure, was careful to never be
found in the office or the home or anywhere it could
be held accountable, architected as it were in exclusive
hideouts and pied a terres and love shacks, and, in
the best of all worlds, in moveable feasts aboard,
jets, private trains, yachts and $1million buses.

We happen to have a client who far prefers to be
in motion in a private limo than in any of the family's
estates, townhouses, summer and winter homes
and seaside villas. One reason being that there is
a feeling of greater security on the move than impaled
in a residence well-known to predators.

"No known address," once applied to vagrants and
bums, now is the preferred non-location, non-location,
non-locations for wise people who believe real estate
to be a prison for slaves, architects the jailers, Vlads
the Impalers.

Youngsters and the wealthy, bums and priests, celebrities
and serial killers, all are on the run -- as Frank Lloyd Wright
forever was -- from creditors demanding responsible

Have you read about the major architectural crime occurring
in Bill Gates' maximum security hideout? With a few pieces
of interception and transmission equipment the entire electro-
architectural embattlement can be listened to, counter-manipulated,
privacy-violated, and if needs be shut down in an instant as if
a clone of the US Government's infrastructure.

Not that Bill and Mrs. spend anytime in the place other than
to show it as if they really lived there. Our client too puts in
public appearances at their various homes, as recommended
by their security team, to Potemkin the rascals.

And, as expected, they never take calls, only call out. They hate
the phone and any other device by which threats and beggings
are made. Hurrah for that telecomm-phobia. Hurrah for box cars.
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