Re: technically well designed stuff

A philosopher, Sartre probably, described magic as the main competitor
for reason, and probably more powerful for most people on the planet.
Religion couldn't exist without magic, not to say black magic, black mass
and blackhearted exploitation of the gullibly terrified. Some argue politics
is black magic dressed in sharkskin, legitimized by, ahem, the law.

Reason, and its bastard, logic, and the mini-bastards, the sciences, aim
to supplant popularly accessible magic by opularly inaccessible constructs,
at least not accessible to those without scientific faith in instruments,
theories, and experiment.

What is appealing about psychiatry is its melding of black magic with
science, Freud was honest enough to admit that while his followers
can only mystify the arcanity and up the billing and addictive treatment
by castigating backsliders (those who refuse to tithe the hourly rate

On a gigantic scale the peacetime military has lifted blackhearted black
magic to an unearthly level, with NASA's help at the altar of mystical
technology of unbelievable cost and orchestrated risk requiring sacrifice
of astronauts to terrify and entertain the awe-struck believers.

No wonder there is a widespread search for a simpler past, of belief and
behavior, of re-enactment, of re-historicization, of plumbing the depths
of memory (real or fanciful) to avoid the hammering of the magicians who
spiel a frightening present and future filled with enduring terrorism, as if
the plague-ridden, death-riding medieval has returned to the earth to
ward off, what, ah yes, the Enlightenment of Reason.

What the laughably-new-aged-named Enlightenment has brought forth
more than anything else is world-wide machinery for slaughtering humans,
thanks to universalizing science -- despite the beneficial spin persistently
broadcast for reason's liberating from the dark.

Art, poor art, how pitifully and futilely it struggles against being perceived
only as useful for spinmeistering -- call that advertising, perhaps cultural
criticism -- and celebrating witch burning.

Goyaesque, warprofiting. MoMAification. Old and modernist masters auctioned
for millions.

There's an artist in Manhattan outdoor advertising, wall stickering, for
burning the Church of the Art Establishment.

-----Original Message-----
From: patachon <tercasa@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sep 25, 2004 1:48 PM
To: DESIGN-L@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: technically well designed stuff

----- Original Message -----
From: lauf-s

Subject: a well designed mnemonic

Happy Birthday, Pat.
thank you (Merci beaucoup)

Today is not an automatic unhappy day for me. A day for strong and significant memories, yes.

memory of the past must support confidence in the future, and action now.

[Calendrical] coincidence is not an automatic 'magical' thing for me. A strong and sometimes significant mnemonic, yes.

would we agree a calendar, anyways, is a mnemonic tool or at least a manisfestation of some instinctive need to locate / ubicate (latin Ubicare) our selves (in time, and therefore life?) by a simple comparison of datation (like comparing isohumans - aka equal humans- with isotopes of Carbon 14...)

about the magical, it's inexistant. magical tour are visually mysterious, but if you know the knowhow from behind the scene it's plain trickky stuff.
a technically well designed stuff

but coincidence seems sometimes magical...

and a calendar or a dating reference can be used as a magical mystery tour around our co-existence ( relation between diferent people).

do you remember?

[Maybe it's like a Trumbauer/Abele designed palace with life and death in each of its 366 rooms.]

life and death is around us each daily hour, roaming around.
I sometimes wonder when will my heart stop suddenly, if so,,,

I'll probably never forget your birthday now.

for a plain mnemonic reason, like a trick of some well told tale....
take care... good week end.

( and don�t forget to register for 2004..if not yet)


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