Cameo, The Hermitage, St. Peterburg, Russia.


I в. Сардоникс. 2,6 х 1,9 см.
Санкт-Петербург, Эрмитаж.


© Фото, текст: Неверов О.Я. АНТИЧНЫЕ КАМЕИ в собрании Государственного Эрмитажа. Изд-во "Аврора", Ленинград, 1971. С. 41, илл. 63.



by Monica Lynn Clements, Patricia Rosser Clements

Cameos were originally carved out of single multilayered stones, but since the 18th-century "classical" period, lava, shell, glass, plastics, and other materials have been used. This general history is very briefly told in Cameos, which at its best is a visual feast for enthusiasts of this type of... Read more


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