why so much fuss about...

----- Original Message -----
From: lauf-s
Subject: acceptble margin of error?

On 17 July 2004 Rita Novel reported --
-- among other things that...

Marie Antoinette is getting a real kick out of how Martha
Stewart is reenacting her these days--so Hameau Tableau.
She's also wondering if 6 October will again have some

Maria Antoinette and the Royal family were forcibly removed from Versailles 6 October 1789.

Martha Stewart began her prison sentence 8 October 2004.

yes, but she was forced out of his piedestal well before

and the two have had certainly peculiar ideas and / or interest(s) about food, "brioches" , or even apple recipes.

I wonder why so much fuss about a Stewart or another qweeny , if not about so many other guys also imprisoned, now and then... in much more impoverished conditions.
The ransom of glory , or again " Selon que vous serez puissant ou miserable les jugements de cour vous rendront blanc ou noir "(La Fontaine , Les animaux malades de la peste)

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