"les rênes du pouvoir".. (was : The "architect" of his success???)

So the 2000 election was not an oficial one ? after the supreme court's
decision on the Florida's electoral mess ?

Then wasn't Renhquist I saw receiving Bush's oath in front of the
Congress in those days ?

Anyways let's wait a little bit and even the supreme court , after the
three houses including the white one and the majority of governors ,
will become another republican turf.

I hope in the future the .Us bipartisan system , lacking of third
/independent parties counterbalancing the possible excesses of one part
of the political spectrum (any kind, red or blue..) on the social canvas
when the second part is evidently out of power, as it seems to happen
today, could evolve to a more representative combination of ideas. After
Kerry as an elitist pseudo democrat is probably not so different from a
really old fashioned Alabamean or Texan neo-conservationist.

Democrats and republicans are finally just making some in-between
fighting to keep the appearances of a multipartisan political system
when actually passing one to another "les rênes du pouvoir"... The
French "suffrage universel" could be a solution.... instead of old
fashioned Electoral college always in favor of the two big political
parties for keeping the system well oiled and under control, avoiding
third ones to take a part of the benefits and spending trees.

Did such similar overpowering of one party in the actual bipartisan .Us
political spectrum happen before, in the history of the .Us.

I wonder.
But I'm just a Béotien in the .Us *American* history.

Take care.


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