[design] [LEAVING OBSCURITY BEHIND] for real


Posted on Tue, Jan. 11, 2005
Grey Towers tour at Montco school now available on audio

An audiotaped walking tour of Arcadia University's historic Grey Towers
Castle designed by architect Horace Trumbauer will debut Thursday in a
ceremony at the castle.



February 2005
Out of the Shadows

After decades of obscurity, African-American architect Julian Abele is
finally getting recognition for his contributions to some of 20th-century
America's most prestigious buildings

In 1986, Duke University students protesting the school's investments in
apartheid South Africa erected shanties in front of the university chapel, a
soaring spire of volcanic stone modeled after England's Canterbury
Cathedral. The protest prompted one student to complain to the school
newspaper. The shacks, she wrote, violate "our rights as students to a
beautiful campus."

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