Re: [design] reading lists (was: question)

I'm thinking of reading VANISHING POINT because I have never been trained to assess plot and narrative and character. Stream of consciousness and free association were the only things to peak my interest when in school. Reading Mann's JOSEPH AND HIS BROTHERS (now over 20 years ago) taught me a whole lot about plot and narrative and character, and maybe also taught me to not expect to find much done better.

Caleb Hornbostel, my methods and materials instructor in architecture school, told the story that he, as a young man, dated the daughter of the man who invented the LIFE-SAVER (which made the whole class laugh). He then went on to explain why the LIFE-SAVER design made it a success--by putting a whole in the mint candy, there was more surface area, thus the candy dissolved quicker. Did Hart Crane have a sister? It looks like he did.

I now wonder if one puts holes in a novel and thus gives the novel more surface area, whether then the novel also dissolves quicker.
  • Re: [design] reading lists (was: question)
    • From: lauf-s
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    [design] reading lists (was: question), view
    Re: [design] reading lists (was: question), Micha el Ringland
    Re: [design] reading lists (was: question), Cheryl McGrath
    Re: [design] reading lists (was: question), Micha el Ringland
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