Re: MH's Temporality

On Mon, 13 Nov 1995, Robert V. Scheetz wrote:

> By "temporality" does H mean "motion": as in the
> periodic motion of physics (rotation of earth, solar orbit...
> the empirical basis of "time") ...atomic and Einsteinian
> physics where "physis=motion=time"? such that the
> issue becomes semantical: i.e. "being" is a verb which
> thru the perverse extrapolations of living language became
> a gerund and then a noun, which then (the way of all flesh)
> forgot where it came from...thence
> requiring "reduction/destruction/construction" to retrieve
> the authentic, verb, meaning?
> --- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---
Heidegger's temporality is not of motion, but rather as futural, already,
and alongside (i.e. possible, past, and present, respectively). In his
words, *Being-as-a-possibility-as-throwness- and -as-alongside*

Anthony Dominioni

--- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

  • Re: MH's Temporality
    • From: Christopher Pound
  • Replies
    temporality, Robert V. Scheetz
    Partial thread listing: