Re: querry

> cgfried@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>> I would be grateful to anyone who could tell me in which text can be found
>> Derrida's most straight-forward discussion/critique of Heidegger on Being. I
>> am specifically interested in Derrida on Heidegger on _Being_ per se, and the
>> critique of ontology as the study of Being as somehow still within in the
>> realm of metaphysics.
>> Thank you!
>> -- Greg Fried
>> cgfried@xxxxxx
>> --- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---
> I think that a the best place to start with Derrida on Heidegger is
the COnference on "Les Fins de L'Homme" which is published in -Marges- Still
in this book, the text on La differance brings a lot on Heidegger. Of
course, a crucial text is the first chapter of Grammatologie and the article
calles Ousia et Gramme.
I am sure that this is material enough for a good deconstruction.
By the way: Rorty has a very interesting article on the topic in a
book whose title I guess is Philosophical Papers II, Irony, Solidarity and

> --- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

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