RE: incubation

Ariosto Crazy Feathers wrote:

>In NII on "European Nihilism" Heidegger lays it out clear as mud; "The
>ESSENCE of nihilism consist in NOT taking the question of the nothing

Well jeez that was the WHOLE POINT of my last ignored post goddammit. There
is no point in talking about some-thing until one seriously experiences the
nothing from which it came and in their most intimate depths, at the
deepest core of their highest thought, this no-thing thing, precedent to
any and all essential thinking about any and all thingings - -

the thing that is not absent at the place where it is could not exist
without being absent to the absence of the absent absent

or allow a moment's personal digress away from this deepest core stuf for a
moment to mention that, for the past six months, and meanwhile occasioned
by a series of several journey's from Reno to Northern California and back
helping my son deliver personal use cargo trailers to various dealers
across the state in his Peterbilt, that it happened to me then that for
almost the first time since I got a drivers license I suddenly became a
passenger instead of always being the driver, so I started noticing more
closely those roadside things which before these trips as passenger were
just blurs of scenery whizzing by while my eyes were always set fixidly on
the road ahead so as to avoid gittin kilt.

so now once again but almost as if for the first time I began to really
really see the Sierras in view of their constitution, which is almost
exclusively granite, the surface strewn with massive boulders randomly
standing at attention betwixt a nice forest of pine, firs, sequioas,
oakbrush, aspens etc.

oops, gotta run, i'll finish this up next post starting with:

"for the first time i noticed that these massive to gigantic granite
boulders were with barely a few exceptions without sharp edges. on first
glance, and in the reverie of almost a dreamlike time i thought perhaps
they were carried down gigantic storm fed rivers and had thereby been
tumbled to smoothness, but later i decided it was more probably just tens
of millions of years of wind driven sand that rounded them all off so

and then stretching this scene much farther so as to finally face directly
on to the notion of not taking the question of the nothing seriously



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  • RE: incubation
    • From: Tympan Plato
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    RE: incubation, Bakker, R.B.M. de
    RE: incubation, Tympan Plato
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