RE: incubation

Ariosto Crazy Feathers wrote:

>In NII on "European Nihilism" Heidegger lays it out clear as mud; "The
>ESSENCE of nihilism consist in NOT taking the question of the nothing

Well jeez that was the WHOLE POINT of my last ignored post goddammit. There
is no point in talking about some-thing until one seriously experiences the
nothing from which it came and in their most intimate depths, at the
deepest core of their highest thought, this no-thing thing, precedent to
any and all essential thinking about any and all thingings - -

I ignored nothing and read everything. I'm behind a day lately, Oh well, the turtle is one of my animals since it moves slowly like thinking does when it is rooted and alert to whatever.

the thing that is not absent at the place where it is could not exist
without being absent to the absence of the absent absent

or allow a moment's personal digress away from this deepest core stuf for a
moment to mention that, for the past six months, and meanwhile occasioned
by a series of several journey's from Reno to Northern California and back
helping my son deliver personal use cargo trailers to various dealers
across the state in his Peterbilt, that it happened to me then that for
almost the first time since I got a drivers license I suddenly became a
passenger instead of always being the driver, so I started noticing more
closely those roadside things which before these trips as passenger were
just blurs of scenery whizzing by while my eyes were always set fixidly on
the road ahead so as to avoid gittin kilt.

so now once again but almost as if for the first time I began to really
really see the Sierras in view of their constitution, which is almost
exclusively granite, the surface strewn with massive boulders randomly
standing at attention betwixt a nice forest of pine, firs, sequioas,
oakbrush, aspens etc.

oops, gotta run, i'll finish this up next post starting with:

"for the first time i noticed that these massive to gigantic granite
boulders were with barely a few exceptions without sharp edges. on first
glance, and in the reverie of almost a dreamlike time i thought perhaps
they were carried down gigantic storm fed rivers and had thereby been
tumbled to smoothness, but later i decided it was more probably just tens
of millions of years of wind driven sand that rounded them all off so

and then stretching this scene much farther so as to finally face directly
on to the notion of not taking the question of the nothing seriously

If you forget the question of the nothing as a question then I think you just get everyday reality. I was listening to some speaker on the tube the other day and he was saying;-- you know the old yogis they didn't care about being relaxed they were already pretty laidback and easygoing as it were. What they were after was becoming more alert. The nothing 'is' nothing when we look around without filling our mind with content about this or that . Then we are constantly moving and scanning and listening without thinking. That's da-sein as being there you know like in that movie about the gardener with Peter Sellers (Being There 1979). Your description of the road reminded me one of my firsts philosophy books _THe Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance_ I still see it on sale. There you get a good description of pure awareness where thinking is mindfullness. It's nice being a passenger observer almost semi-retired pursuing leisure studies and negative labour of the hardest and most discipline kind. I was reading Heidegger on Nietzsche again and he misses so much because he is obssesed with forcing him into his neo-scholastic Catholic worldview where he reduces the will to power to being an expression of the ontological difference understood as that which comes from the Latin disctinction between essentia and existentia. It's a tasteless violent reading without nuance and delicacy. As I was saying for Nietzsche the worth of action depends on us not becoming conscious of what is going on with it because it is instinctive and longer a part of a deliberating process where we hesitate and try to reason amongst choices before deciding on a direction. We don't always know what we are doing and in fact the best action is always a blind throw of the dice where we leap into the unknowwn and take a chance. This is what he means by living dangerously. It's an improvisational philosophy similar to the one that I was presenting earlier on. This is the school of pragmatic skepticism that is founded on pessimistic streams of ideas that is so similar to Chinese stretegic analysis as presented by a sinologist like Francois Jullien. Grace in our manner of being comes from a lack of self-consciousness and only this is to move through life with light feet and the free spirits that know how to dance. Heidegger's Nietzsche's wears boots made out of cement. It's makes me angry to tell youy the truth. When you read Heidegger talking about Schopenhauer it's like it's not worth opening the text because Nietzsche repudiated him all over the place but that's an indication of how much Schopenhauer was influencing him and how hard it was to twist free from that influence and read things otherwise. So the value of an action which is to say its graceful manner and beauty is based on no-intentionality or a kind of naked intentionality which as pure possibility was understood to point to freedon in the context of this German bildung as I read it. This was the definition of genius, spirit, or overflowing mindfullness: "The unpremeditated, unintentional, indeed in part unconscious and instinctive element which has always been remarked in works of *genius* owes its origin to precisely the fact that primal artistic knowledege is entirely separated from and independent of will, is will-less." (Schopehahauer from the _Parerga and Paralipomena_). I was going to remark ken-net that another great insight that Nietzsche comes back to is that this instinctive action of free spirits is a sign of a naive person who in fact has no crafty means because as attentiveness there is no goal that needs means but the fullness of a moment of time to which we give everything. The free are a little out of it not knowing what is going in the real world or the kind of things you read in newspapers like Joe cosmopolitan with his ready chit chat on Osama or Bush or something 'important' that we are supposed to have an opinion on as 'responsible' citizens otherwise we are not 'serious' or 'intellligent'.

I forgot about Crazy Feathers. I have been incubating my schizoid persona for a long time. It's more solid now partly because not so attached to idetifications but fluid like a shapeshifting Dionysus more flexible than stalks of wheat in an open field. I'm trying to tracked down when I was talking about Leibniz and the principle of sufficient reason, flower without a why, etc.? I'm pretty sure it was a conversation with Rene in '99 '00?

crazy tympanic tzu feathers



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