Re: authenticity/violence/torture

Have you thought about the martyr in your thinking on violence and
action? You said that it might be necessary to use examples to
discuss the subject adequately. The martyr is a figure whose
relationship with violence defines them as an example. Is a martyr
anything like authentic? Can we see the reverence given to martyrs
in a religious context something like a acknowledgement that violence
is something that has to be answered personally and that calls for

I might also suggest, if you're looking for texts on the subject, an
essay called "The roots of violence", which I think is by Merton. I've
looked for it in the online catalogue at our library, but I can't find
it. Does anyone else know about this essay?


It's also interesting to note the debate, early in the history of
Christianity, over whether those who repudiated the faith under
threat of torture should be allowed to rejoin the church in better

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