Re: Caring-for, and Dasein

[snip - my stuff]

>I don't agree.
>Franciscus of Assisi and Antonius of Padua preached (spoke) to the animals ?
>They were no fools. (some even say they are Saints)

No offence intended at all but ... so did Dr. Doolittle. :) On a (slightly)
more serious note, regardless of St. Fanc's belief that all living things
could be preached (spoken) to, I doubt he had much of an opportunity to read
Heidegger. I too believe that all living creatures deserve a higher level of
recognition. I would even be willing to start argueing that animals are
"accidently" always performing at an authentic level. Nothing is ever
standing in resereve to my pet rat. He is extremely authentic in his mode of
being. Then again I can never get him to read Heidegger (he just does not
seem interested) so his opportunities for being inauthentic are limited.
All I meant was that *in Heidegger* I do not believe that Dasein can be
given the characteristic of being the Being of all beings. Not that animals
did not have Being. Perhaps I am too sloppy with my Zenish feelings but I
always thought that everything has Being. Being just is.


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