Re: [mpisgmedia] USAID-sponsored MCD Bill (byelaw business)

> said a senior municipal official.
Interestingly the proposed building by-laws will hold
professionals like architect and builders responsible
for tampering with the original building layout...
very-interestingly, besides NGO, builders are now
professionals like architect!

ah! ah! but it says that nowhere. syntactic ambiguity,

"Professional like architect and builders"

is same as:

"Piano, property of a Sea Captain with carved legs"

ref: Wren and Martin standard edition

to equate builders and architects, they would have to write "professionals like architects and builders".

- Architexturez (gnawing its foot off!)

p.s., the KT Ravindran article was more fun to read, anyone care to nail ambiguities in that one? do SPA deans need differentiate between military engineering (all Nicholson & Co., the lot on the ridge did in 1857) and civil engineering? more important, do SPA deans need conclude their arguments or follow some norms or (we know they are planner infested, but still asking) discourse ethics in public? do SPA deans have even a notion of the notion of scholarly responsibilities their positions necessitate vis-a-vis the public?

Now *I* am aghast.


- .A (gnawing its other foot off!)

  • Re: [mpisgmedia] (W&M and) USAID-sponsored MCD Bill (byelaw business)
    • From: Gita Dewan Verma
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    [mpisgmedia] USAID-sponsored MCD Bill (byelaw business), Gita Dewan Verma
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