Time: deconstruction

I gave a quote from Derrida from POSITIONS where he questioned that
there is such a thing as communication. He questions communication
in "Signature Event Context" and "Differance" but i don't have MARGINS
OF PHILOSOPHY with me so i can't give you the exact page numbers.
Now, your response may be that he is not denying or conferring the
existence of communication, just doing what he always does and not
deciding, just floating between the positive and the negative. My response
to this was in my response to Nathan: Nomadology is a way of life,
Deconstruction is an anti-epistemology. I am not denying that correlations
can be drawn between the plane of immanence and differance. I am asserting
that the plane of immanence, and the work of d&g as a whole, offer us much
more than differance. Deleuze and Guattari make the multiple; Derrida for-
ever asks the Heideggerian question.

chris d


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