Architecture and Sculpture

The meaning of "architecture" as related to VLSI and plants can
be equated with structure. It is not the same type of architecture
that interior and landscape are. The problem comes from assuming that
a word has only one meaning. For example, Wright's "organic" architecture
has nothing to do with plants, et al.; "organic" refers to function and
Rather than define the ends of architecture (as opposed to its means)
as creating shelter, we should define it as the definition of space. Therefore,
interior architecture is the definition of interior space and landscape
architecture is definition of exterior space. Architecture (with a capital A),
then is the definition of space through construction.
Are the statue of liberty or the Gateway Arch in St. Louis sculpture
or are they architecture?

Mike Schuler
Kansas State University
College of Architecture and Design
(interior, landscape, architecture, and planning)
Partial thread listing: