ARCHITECTURE: Future Modelling of the City.

From: IN%"URBAN-L%TREARN.BITNET@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" "Urban Planning Discussion List"
22-APR-1994 06:58:38.24
To: IN%"URBAN-L%TREARN.BITNET@xxxxxxxxxxxxx" "Multiple recipients of list
Subj: Future-Architecture/Environ-modelling

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From: "-s93000001-m.erskinerichmond-ccsd-200-" <merskine@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Future-Architecture/Environ-modelling
In-reply-to: <9404211103.AA16731@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>; from
"Brent Donovan Ryan" at Apr 21, 94 01:21:13 am
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Hi --
In reply to what Brent wrote:

> I am an architect, and I agree that architects should accept their profession
> as dealing with the condition of constructing buildings. If they are
> interested in other endeavors let them enter the realms of virtual design,
> philosophy, etc. where they are safely removed from adversely affecting
> our physical world.
> Stop thinking, start building should be the architects' motto of the 21st
> Century.
> Brent Ryan
> Columbia University

I believe we are entering a new reality, separating from the devolution of
a dark-age of social irresponsibility. What we need now is serious virtual
designing of whole urban environments, not by any single architect, or even
by any single professional group. What is required is whole-community
decision-making, where the elements of a proposal get systematically
discussed in a round-table-community-focus - then the simulations begin,
whether by virtual reality, or more simplistic preliminary overviews.

Eventually, as each fresh level of round-table-focussing contributes to the
design-process, community needs versus egoic drives will self-resolve, and
the potential for urban nightmares which survive for decades will be a thing
of the past. There is so much to be considered in the wholistic fish-eye
overview, since no single perspective can hope to have the total perspective,
to mentally construct what an entire community both currently needs and will
continue to need after 10, 20, 50 years.

The ideal is NOT to stop thinking, but to evolve into group-minds which do
not conceive a project in isolation, but blend in a mental union (telepathy,
osmosis, fusion, whatever we call it), until the group is ready to proceed
to the building stage.

Imagine living in a wholistic urban environment which was not egoic in
design but co-evolved by the entire populace!

The 21st Century offers the potential for unimaginable transformations of

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