Re: FLW Imperium et al

Responding to msg by MKAPLAN@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (Michael
Kaplan) on

>Under-floor heating with hot water was used by the
>Romans in their public baths. Wright was astute at
>looking, seeing and borrowing.

Mr. Wright (as his hagiographers prefer it) had a
grandiloquent sense of humor too, especially about
himself and the architectural poobahs of the day.

He joked that Le Corbusier did a building, then a
book about the building, then another building and
another book, and so on, just like Wright himself.
And, that Corbu's buildings were never as good
built as they were in the books, so he preferred
to look at books of his buildings instead of facing
the failures, just like Wright.

Perhaps apochryphal, but Mr. Wright self-admittedly
apochryfied scandalous stories about himself, and
behaved imperially, to sustain public and
hagiographic interest and to annoy competitors into
a frenzy.

If you go to Taliesin you'll find that the acolytes
still spin imperious tales of Mr. Wright, cheekily,
to perpetuate a Wrightian pretense. He was a scamp
as well as a scoundrel, they apishly prate, and he
thrived on joking about the imperial masquerade
that kept his reputation out front. See his office
set up like a shrine, in the same reverential
spoof, with the whole place run by Lourdesian
sanctimoniousness and priestly hokum.

A pale version of this PR thrives, trivially, in
Philip Johnson who also tells mindlessly scandalous
stories about himself and promotes his odd
emulators to ensnare the public ear and eye.

Apropros, the Fall lecture line-up of Beloved
Landmark Architects at the Architectural League:

Paul Rudolph, Oct. 6
Joseph Esherick, Oct. 13
Max Abramovitz, Oct. 18
Philip Johnson, Oct. 27
Fay Jones, Nov. 10

Impish FLLW must be ROTFL, knowing these boys soon
descending to his Best Taliesin, to emulate him in
flaming each other forever.

Partial thread listing: