Re: Decon: NO! Meaning: YES!

On Tue, 1 Nov 1994, Randolph Fritz wrote:

> Michael Kaplan:
> >Has there *been* any American urban planning in the last 40 years?
> >
> In Portland, Oregon, yes. I wish I knew why it is that it seems to work
> there & almost nowhere else.

A study of this phenomenon would compare Portland with Seattle--having
endless public meetings as it declines into mediocrity--and Vancouver,
BC---the most fantastic city on the continent.

Every time I go to Portland or Vancouver I wonder why Seattle just can't
seem to do a better job at organizing its physical self. It's like looking
at three people, all of who have tremendous physical resources, and yet
one of them just seems to wander along, day-dreaming, bathing only rarely
and taking little pride in physical arrangement. Oh, I shouldn't go
overboard; Seattle is plenty nice; but when I see the interesting things
and verve of Portland and Vancouver, I have to wonder 'WHY?'

What socio-political-linguistic etc. etc. etc. elements are the key I do
not know; it would be nice to crack this one. It is a fascinating question
and many people in Seattle ponder it with some wistfulness. Any ideas?

David Sucher
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