Re: Building of the Week

On Tue, 17 Feb 1998 10:32:31 -0500 wrote...
>Date: Mon, 16 Feb 1998 23:42:44 -0500
>From: Michael _ Kaplan <mkaplan@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>Subject: building of the week
>Maybe we could forward names of buildings to Howard (the moderator) and
>he could post the name of one each Sunday. Or listmembers could just
>toss out mini-critiques of whatever they've seen lately.
>Do the latter. It's more democratic. Thanks, .H.
I'm less interested in how the building is selected than how observations
and references might be archived. Is it possible to establish some "easily
negotiable protocol (signage, if you will)" that might allow someone like
our "ballroom data seeker" to find some useful info after the fact?

B. Aaron Parker
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