the e-media state

what is the role of architecture in the impeachment debate
and in the gulf war?

is not space and time, form, and materiality, light and
shadow constituted anew in our electronic technologies?

what once was an architectural event, say a room, with its
own spatial-temporal qualities, has now been multiplied by
millions into a decentralized network of place, televised
and on computers, showing r(e)presentations of the actor,
dividing and exponentially expanding the space and time of
the event, reconstituting the materiality of the place in
the form of electrons moving at the light of speed...

how can we understand this new, mediated state?

by understanding its technological infrastructure in
architectural terms. that is, understanding the radio
station, televison station, computer network provider,
telephone providers, and electrical power plants, in
order to visually see the new private armature of the
electronic media state via electronic media architecture.

Partial thread listing: