inside-outside paradox

>>what are first principles of architecture..? [the outside has to be
>>different than the inside]

> (is there still an outside-inside?)

just had this thought.. relating to media/mediums.. similar to a
space-place found in the mind's eye when reading a book, i think
of cyberspace, the electronic network, specifically of television,
and the modernist concept of a fluidity between inside and outside,
which led to my question above, does a boundary still exist..?

my thought is of the White House, The President of the United States
standing on the proverbial mowed lawn of the symbolic tundra, and a
herd of reporters all around, capturing this event "outside" via a
microphone and a television camera, which, in turn, is translated
and ultimately electronically transmitted _into_ the homes, and
"inside" the television set of the stereotypical news viewer, a
space inside the domestic dwelling, or the typal e-cottage.

the viewer/user of the medium, the audience, is *seeing* an outside
event, inside another space-place (including the manipulation of
time, editing, etc.). more dramatically, this *seeing* is happening
_through_walls_, (aka superman or supernatural powers) via an array
of electromagnetic signals, techniques and technologies. the wall,
in this respect, does not act like a wall of tradition. it is a
new wall, a see-thru wall of sorts. the window, opening and closing,
is, like a Virilian TV set, the screen as a window onto the world.

world stage. what is it, then, that constitutes a similar event in
a different medium, reading a book. what is the barrier between the
mind and language encapsulated on the page.. is there a barrier..?
or, is there instead some kind of delay, some kind of downsizing of
reality via our meager 5+ senses, with which we INTERFACE with the
world, universe.

what if building is interfacing with the world. like a computer,
it is a graphic user interface (GUI) with buttons, doors, sliders,
stairs, switches, gates. what if these elements are our building-
or- unbuilding blocks, to see what is, and what is missing... that
is, each building is a story, a cosmology of the world that we see..

if i *see* a monumental architecture, a celebrated signature of the
current master race of architectural styling, breeding a detailing
herd of goats and lambs behind them, what is seen but an empire of
signs, of signs of minds, of signs of times.. the building _is_
what we know about the world... what do we know about the world..

is it really so fully of difference and chaos, complexity, confusion,
cold, sharp, hard, angry, or, equally mystical, soft and comfortable,
nurturing, loving.. is it anima and animus playing their material
games again, is it an archetypal swipe on the proverbial CAD screen,
of: what is known - is - what is seen.

so what do we say of (the invisible)... that a-architecture, anti-
or non-, what are we trying to say, or, as spN has said, is there
a "we" at all...

i venture a textual intersubjectivity exists on the design list,
and i wonder what others think about.. what is at the forefront
of their minds, mental models, ideas about first principles...


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