1 more 1 is 2 yet .33

about purity in basics, could you imagine how to demonstate that
more 1 is 2 ?

here's another possibility:

| | |

| 1 | 1 |

1 more 1 is 2 in range

| 1 | 1 |

-1 to +1 spans 2

actually,this is where i would disagree
with 'binary' 0-1 or true-false decisions
as a basis for logical descriptions, as
the above illustrates three positions,
where zero is a middle state, it could
be a mirror even, and the reflection of
it could be another 1 or number, yet it
is invisible in the counting. such as:

b | d where '|' is a mirror, and then
one must choose a bias of
b or d being true or false, yet
ignoring the middle-state.

in fact, if paradox does exist (self-
evident) and the world is not sealed
off in absolute truth and falsity in a
type of certainty or logical destiny,
that would mean that binary thought,
missing the middle, would be deciding
only 2 out of 3 states when decision-
making, it would seem---

meaning, that a decision may be
only 33% accurate at best, maybe
66% if not choosing (keeping the
middle state intact).

this can be seen in politics today,
when extreme views going one
way (right) are, when changing,
basically reversed (left) rather
than centered (middle) as it is
based on no-middle state which
forms a basis of compromise. it
would seem that just using a
binary system would be biased
and insufficient to ever address
the complexity of paradox in the
language (which is where words
and numbers meet, such as in
Venn diagrams, which has been
called the intersection of these
places/interests, and also where
mathematical thought may begin).

if taking out the middle or mirror
or balance or slide-rule and using
a binary biased system to judge
events by, logically, in a complex,
paradoxical world that exists (as
established in physical reality) it
would seem to indicate that there
is insufficient clarity in thought to
be able to go outside the bounds
of the logical system, such as an
idea such as 'terrorism' where it
is a black-and-white or true-false
system, only, yet it may exist in
some complexity or paradoxes
which are contingent on many
things, and thus binary language
may be stuck on one side of the
mirror, or looking glass, and the
actual situation may be outside
the conceptual boundary of the
logic used to try to approach it.

for instance:


as rudimentary judgment system
without paradox

yet, there may be something in-
between this,


which is ignored, the paradox,
and thus exists outside the logic,
such that the question excludes
the ability to address itself...

(T/F) ?

or one could make it 0 or 1,
yet without acknowledging a
fulcrum it may leave out the
neutral state which may then
make any decision of the truth
of an event or its significance
based on only 2 of 3 states,
and thus being a decision of
1/3 accuracy, such that

(0/1) ?

where ? is outside the logic yet
is the question being asked, or
if in a mirror

1 | 1

where there is only one number
1 and a mirror yet it is not known
which of the two numbers are the
actual 1, and so it exists only on
one side of the mirror, and only
one side of the mirror can be
calculated, the other 1 is non-
existent or not-modeled or some-
thing, such that the binary system
would be something like:

0 | 1

with a mirror in the middle, though
the mirror is displaced outside of
it's true/false or on/off states and
thus it may be like:

( 0/1 ) |


(0/1) ?


(T/F) ?

and the mirror exists or the question
or the 2/3rds accuracy exists outside
the framework of the logic, such that
the reflection is:

0/1 | 0/1


T/F ? T/F

or always a binary reflecting upon
itself, never transcending itself, and
this is seen in the inflation of the
representation of decimal numbers
when 'translated' into binary system
it would seem, where 10249382992
may be a huge string, or so it would
seem to be, to compute these symbols.

the calculation of the number zero
and the number one are unique in
themselves, whereas with boolean
logic (it seems) it is constructed in
another system to arrive at 'truths'.

it would seem that with the laws of
zero and one that, with negative
numbers (-1) with zero, that a lot
of inherent mathematics could be
done around the -1 / 0 / +1 range,
which could replicate the missing
middle-state (as zero does, in itself)
rather than using 0 as a symbol de-
tached from its actual qualities as
with positive and negative charges
or numbers.

binary logic sticks everything on
one side of the mirror, and what is
reflected is paradoxical language
which cannot be transcended by
binary logic as it is bounded by
being outside paradox, it is thus
too simple a system for complex
approaches to situations and to
modeling how decision making
actually occurs. maybe this is
where computing is though it is
non-sensical how it is in relation
numbers, logic, physics, it seems
because no inherent properties
seem to be left, they are all placed
outside of the representation of a
binarism and theorism which is,
unreasonable, except by being
abel to bridge paradoxes, or so
it seems. for instance, what use is
it to say that something is balanced
to get some result while ignoring
the fact that a balance is needed?
the missing middle is theparadox.
as best conceptualized in a mirror,
or so it seems, as it has an amount
of virtualism to it.

it is like architecture where 'structure'
is said to be of huge significance,
and suprastructures (skyscrapers)
are lauded as the supreme proof of
the power of this idea, while the
infra-structures are invisible and
non-existent in the field while at
the same time are what drives the
changes happening above 'ground'
(neutral, mirror state, paradox). it is
play, writing this, though the above
is an attempt to describe an idea it
will take models to demonstrate it
seems. in architecture this can be
demonstrated through language,
but your question was math or so
it was perceived (or math as some
universal symbolic language maybe).

the same holds for 'place' and the
use of paradox, and 'occupation' as
a part of language, now existing in
a binary system of decision making
while missing the paradox where it
can be exploited and only 1/3 toward-
truth, at a maximum, it seems, so too
being exploited by other forces due
to the lack of definition and resolution.

'all occupation is and is not identical.'

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