Re: wooden cross symbol

I've never read Dante's DIVINE COMEDY, but it doesn't take
much imagination for me to see Saddam Hussein and Dick
Cheney together in the INFERNO.

[While the cross is a (now) omnipresent Christian symbol, it
is the extreme-ness of Christ's wounds that is much more
revelatory. From the Circumcision to the Crown of Thrones
Christ's wounds occur at corporal extremes, and the last
wound goes straight to the inner extreme of the heart.]

Is not the French Revolution's Reign of Terror a modern
historical event?

from the Latin:
capitalis -e adj relating to the head or life; (law)
affecting a man's life or civil status; (of crime)
punishable by death, punishable by loss of civil rights,
capital; dangerous, deadly, mortal; chief, preeminent,
distinguished, of first rank

Getting Saddam Hussein out of power isn't the only thing to
do to make the world a better place.

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