Re: Kehre

On Mon, 6 May 1996 5pq5vonesche@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:

> Could anyone suggest a good discussion (preferably a monograph) of
> Heidegger's _kehre_? I am interested in a discussion of its significance
> in terms of the relation to his project in general, but also would be
> willing to read something taking a more biographical approach.
> Thank you,
> Warren J. von Eschenbach
> --- from list heidegger@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ---

There are many articles, thesis and books concerning the Kehre in
Heidegger's thought. I mention from memory some of the authors that sustain
the Kehre under different aspects:

O. Poggeler, Vattimo, J.-F. Courtine, M. Haar (La fracture de l'histoire)
F. W. Hermmann, Subjekt und Dasein..., Klostermann, Frankfurt, 1985.
THIELE, Individualitaet und Zeitlichkeit: die Kehre in Heideggers Begriff
der Destruktion im Hinblick auf Schelling, Kassel, 1985 (thesis)
D. THOMAE, Die Zeit des Selbst und die Zeit Danach. Zur Kritik der
Textgeschichte Martin Heideggers 1910-1976, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt/Main, 1990.
GRONDIN, J., Le tournant dans la pense/e de Martin Heidegger, Presses
Universitaires de France, 1987.

etc. etc.

Heidegger himself speaks about Die Kehre in his letter to Richardson (see
Richardson's book), in a text named Die Kehre, in Letter on Humanism etc.
I should give you more exact indications in a couple of days if it will
be necessary.

All the best,

Ioan Muntean

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  • Re: Kehre
    • From: Timothy Bagley
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    Kehre, 5pq5vonesche
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