The Q of V

Dr. Eldred,

"So you would like to contend a congruency between Entbergung "(unconcealing)
"violence as portrayed in Oedipus?

Rather btw sparagmos/recognition and destruction/unconcealing;
and Violence; i.e. both structurally and thematically; at least
in attic tragedy, Xian ritual, etc.

"If there is a congruency, there is also a
"difference, namely, THE difference between the truth (unconcealedness) of
"(Oedipus' situation) and the truth (unconcealedness) of the being of "beings
"(metaphysics) ('visible' by virtue of the step back). The latter essencing "of
"truth has always already essenced before Oedipus' tragedy can get under "way.

In the suggested anagogic reading that "difference" is expressed
in the difference btw the kind of understanding (techne, theoria,...of beings)
required to solve the riddle, and the vastly
more auspicious "recognition".

"hidden meaning of the Theban plague (patricide) is the truth of Oedipus'
"existence, the root cause of his fate as heralded by the Delphic oracle.
"That is to say, "the essencing of truth...already essenced before Oedipus'
"tragedy...(got) under way."

"His swollen foot is his fateful im-pedi-ment.

Rather marks him for chthonic. Complaisance (hubris) with his reason,
ability to solve riddles, science, is his fateful flaw...his forgetting
of the essence, chthonic, (dust thou art...), of his being.

"And the truth (unconcealedness) of the
"being of beings? Is this the fate of Western humankind, to be set out into "the

"clearing of being in its standingness? Is this in-sight into the being of
"the primeval, fateful im-pediment? The exposure to the truth of being
"seems to be being's challenge to Western humankind: the call to stand with
"inter-esse among beings, manipulating them in-sightfully. But is the line "to
"violence so unambiguous, so fateful as it is in the case of Oedipus?

And so, the call to the truth of being is submerged for Western Civ.
as for Oedipus by its self-satisfaction with its scientific reason/
technology...leading it unconsciously and inexorably to apocalypse,
with a bang not a whimper, by this argument. Whereby, on the blasted
heath, midst the raging strife, will be flood lighted
...unaccomodated man, the thing itself...the final truth
of Being.

"Being-unto-death does not translate as morbidness but as accepting "mortality.
"The finiteness of Dasein is rather counterposed to hubris. Dasein can also "be
"jubilation about being there in the ab-symal there, joy at the ex-posure "to
"opennes of beyng.

And would not that, then, be precisely the meaning of the apotheosis at
Collonus? ...and the empty tomb? etc.

Pardon the flourishes.
Bob Scheetz

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